About us 2

The Placer Justice Foundation is a coalition of survivors,victims, officials, community members, organizations, business owners and stakeholders all working toward a common goal of a more resilient + empowered Placer County.
The foundation is designed to connect survivors, victims, loved ones, stakeholders and concerned community members wanting to make difference to create a strong local network of justice-oriented communities.
☑️Placer County District Attorney’s Office – The collective center for the justice system throughout Placer County.
☑️Victims + Survivors –Those who have direct experience with the justice system in Placer County.
☑️Local officials –Local law enforcement, city, county, state and federal officials are critical to a strong and justice-oriented community.
☑️Community members – Residents who have interest in the justice system and want to participate.
☑️Service organizations –The network of local groups who work in the justice and service industry.
☑️Business entities – The network of local businesses + related trade associations who care about the quality of life in Placer County.