The Placer Justice Foundation was established to provide financial support to bridge the gap in victim services, fund outreach and awareness campaigns, and empower our community’s voices to inspire others.
The Placer Justice Foundation is a coalition of survivors,victims, officials, community members, organizations, business owners and stakeholders all working toward a common goal of a more resilient + empowered Placer County.
We are designed to connect survivors, victims, loved ones, stakeholders and concerned community members wanting to make a difference to create a strong local network of justice-oriented communities.
☑️Placer County District Attorney’s Office – The collective center for the justice system throughout Placer County.
☑️Victims + Survivors –Those who have direct experience with the justice system in Placer County.
☑️Local officials –Local law enforcement, city, county, state and federal officials are critical to a strong and justice-oriented community.
☑️Community members – Residents who have interest in the justice system and want to participate.
☑️Service organizations –The network of local groups who work in the justice and service industry.
☑️Business entities – The network of local businesses + related trade associations who care about the quality of life in Placer County.